3 Videos that are worth the GOOSEBUMPS!
As my first semester as a freshmen in High-School has passed I have been lucky to have been exposed to three videos that have taught me something, brought a new wave of inspiration to my heart, and have brought none other than goosebumps all over my arms.
The first video made me cry during my live session. I couldn’t wait and had to share it with my family. I just saw how doing something that won’t even change your life one bit can make such a big impact on someone else’s.
The second video is a speech by Sojourner Truth and it is read by Kerry Washington. The speech is called ‘Ain’t I a Woman’ and it was written for the Women Right’s Convention in 1851. It is very eye-opening and a little bit sarcastic but all in all it is very meaningful and deep, just the way I like it.
Finally the last video made me very eager for something. I felt like I was in need of a hug from someone other than the usual. I didn’t need my mom’s delicious cuddles or hugs from family that I see almost everyday. I needed a hug from a random stranger, and oh, it would feel so good! Considering the pandemic this wouldn’t be a good idea now but I would’ve loved to see it before.
These three videos, unique in their own way and are worth the watch. Most importantly, these videos are something that I, as a future adult of this world would like to see implemented in this world. It would make me so very happy!!!😊😊😊