A world of confused feelings
Some feelings that I have come across in the past few weeks that are worth sharing! Trust me, they are totally relatable.
Whether you’re a young teenager or an old man you always have your own version of how you see this world, and your special views have been molded differently based on your personal experiences. In my little world, I have so much I want to change and so much that I want to keep but I don’t know what I’ll have to sacrifice when I become desperate for that fantasy.
Many years ago I always cared for everything, but now I don’t. To the people around me I am lost somewhere awful. But they never asked if I wanted to be found because they knew my answer would be no!
I’ll know that something as beautiful as love has made it to my life when I can’t fall asleep because reality is finally more alluring than me being in my lost world.
I knew that words would be the only thing that could describe how I felt. But I thought it would be the undisclosed words written in the pages of my journals. And now I somehow have to explain my feelings with words that I don’t want to say.
I didn’t know her until I saw the sadness and anger in her and I couldn’t forgive her for it for a long time until I noticed that her love was bursting everywhere around her much stronger than the gravity of this planet.
I have learned that sharing feelings is the only way that everyone can feel the connection that is between all of us but we’re all completely oblivious to it!