Analyzing My Writing Journey

As a writer I have many interests in taking words and changing them. I find that rewording a quote by another writer is a way that I can take their emotions and make them mine. Some people say that what I do is considered plagiarizing, but it’s become a habit that has helped me grow in my writing and most of all it has helped me empathize with many people. I have learned that writing, just like a painting, can be anything. For a painter, the messy color mixture and shapes is beautiful and for a writer a word is like the messy painting. A painting usually goes to a museum once it has been finished, but in the case of a word, it makes its way to a story.
From the beginning of my writing journey I have found inspiration in everything. And after I got inspired by every little thing I noticed how everything is connected. We all are connected, but we all have different ways that we feel connected to our surroundings, and for me it was writing. Since writing had such an impact on me I had to learn to perfect it. So I signed myself up to a creative writing course at my school. I hoped that the course would teach me how to write an argumentative essay, since it was something I struggled with a lot. Instead I learned something completely different. It’s not that I didn’t learn how to write a proper argumentative essay, I just realized that in the past I had picked subjects to fight for that made no sense to me. I concluded that in order to form a strong argumentative essay you need to be passionate about it! In the meantime, I had an argumentative essay on identifying world problems and finding solutions from my geography class which I was allowed to pick what I could argue about. I looked at the list and passed through all the topics that I knew that if I were to write about them they would make my parents happy. I found something that I would enjoy, the worldwide plastic use problem. I thought that this topic would be perfect because I see people littering all the time and I hate it. I wanted to find solutions and help our planets’ future.
After going through all the steps to write this essay on the worldwide plastic use problem I felt like the happiest person in the world. I turned in the argumentative essay and got compliments that I had never heard before. However, I’m not finished. My writing journey only started a few years ago and I have a lot more to work on. I need to work on correct placement of commas, writing sad stories, horror stories, and writing stories that I am interested in! But writing can be anything!