Lost thoughts in the Summer Sunsets of Istanbul

Looking out the window I see a sunset with colors of maroon, baby pink, and a canary yellow making the sky look like an amethyst crystal. When I saw this I imagined a future of gray skies with no color and plants of no allure. I imagined the sun looking like a meager ball of mustard. Then I imagined the past where my ancestors were living in such an elegant world. A cerulean sky with a Tuscan sun and shamrock grass covering the earth’s crust. A beautiful breeze blowing through the countless trees. I thought again to myself and considered this world today a loathsome place when correlated to the past. As awe-inspiring as it was the war between our species and nature hasn’t come to an end and it is obvious that humans will atrophy this planet with all of its graceful beauty. The promise of god is that there will be an apocalypse only when humans eradicate all of this world’s refinement. Such lust that humans do is wrong. As humans derive the grace of this planet the happiness and comfort that nature gives to us as a species will go with it. This all leads to my apodictic question, Why?