The Lord — Part 2 : Before it begins
The afternoon is a torture for people like Xylia. The bright and usual twinkle of midnight is nowhere to be found, making her pores cry in pain. Even sitting in a room with no windows, the radiation from the sun has made it through the concrete walls and to her desk, where she sits looking at an empty chess board and wanders into a lost dimension. Nothing has ever been quite fun in Xylia’s world since her father, the Minister, signed that agreement with the President. After all, they lost their way of living and found a “better and healthier” way, according to the human president. Yes, Xylia is no ordinary girl. When the moon shows its light and the sun leaves, Xylia comes alive. The blood in her veins move quicker in the dark and they give her the strength of a lifetime. But with the recent events, she lost her strength and life to her has no meaning whatsoever. She has never felt so weak and in need of human flesh.
Coming back to reality, she looks at the board and sees something other than the standard 8 by 8 square board with the alternating dark and light squares. She was waiting for it, a message from her brother, the man in her dreams, Kaido. “I’ll show you a sweet dream,” was written in none other than the maroon color of blood. It’s these short but frequent messages from the Lord that made her feel safe in a world that’s filled with aristocrats and filthy humans. “Uh oh,” she mutters, knowing that the smell of the blood will make her eyes turn red in the eagerness for it. “Xylia, calm yourself. It’s almost noon, time to sleep!” She tells herself and walks to her coffin, throwing herself into her bed. She shuts her eyes and falls asleep.